Not Ready To Make Nice

Not Ready To Make Nice

Stop telling me not to be angry about the results of this election. Stop the kumbaya appeals for unity. I appreciate your open-mindedness, and pleas that we are all one—not Republicans, not Democrats, but Americans—but I’m afraid I need to call bullshit. I was born in...
A Note To Our Children

A Note To Our Children

Election day note to my nine-year-old daughter. When I got Kamiah down last night, after two hours of sharing what we had anticipated to be a momentous and joyous occasion, things weren’t looking good. After she fell asleep I went downstairs for a couple more...


I’m injury prone—have been since I was in high school.  While it’s slowed me down over the years, it’s never stopped me from pursuing my passion for exercise, my addiction to dopamine, and my need for keeping my body in motion. My latest injury, sustained in a routine...