

Love and Basketball

Love and Basketball

From the time I was a little boy, love and basketball went hand in hand. As an adult, love and wilderness have been my drink of choice, but basketball has remained a passionate presence. Traveling around the country with my Yellowstone sermons and more recently with...

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STOP Being “Busy”

STOP Being “Busy”

When did “busy” become the word of the day?  Think about it. When was the last time you asked someone how he or she is doing where “busy” wasn’t part of their response? In a society that values self-sacrifice and hard work over self-examination and personal growth,...

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Yellowstone Mana

Yellowstone Mana

Every day in Yellowstone provides richness for the discerning eye and open heart. This enigmatic layer of fog came and went before settling over the temple of the Lamar Valley late last week. It was another mana-filled day as I led a wildlife tour for four spirited...

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Liquid Gold

Liquid Gold

The Hawaii brain train left the station today. In reality, the power of adventure extends far beyond the experience itself. Saltwater, mountain air, pulsing river molecules, powder snow and grimy dirt, it all gets in our blood, becomes a part of who we are, and...

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The Sun Will Shine Again

The Sun Will Shine Again

Sometimes all that life can throw at us feels like it's just too much. That's ok. It doesn't mean we are weak or lacking, it simply means we've maxed out our coping skills and need to step back enough to regroup and redirect our energy. Overwhelm in today's world is...

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Life Ain’t All Roses and Applesauce

Life Ain’t All Roses and Applesauce

Life is hard. Right, wrong or indifferent, for some it's harder than others. Despite what we often see on social media, life isn't all powder face-shots, exotic travels and wave riding. It's a grind, filled with trials and tribs. People get sick, people get dealt...

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Daily Audacious Wisdom: Shallow Brooks Are Noisy

Daily Audacious Wisdom: Shallow Brooks Are Noisy

One of my mentors often reminds me that, "shallow brooks are noisy." We all know there's a lot of noise out there telling us how we "should" be, what we "should" do and what we are "capable" of. But we must filter the noise because it's far too often heavy on rhetoric...

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Love, Dad

Love, Dad

I'm excited to share that I've been invited to write a new monthly column for Montana Parent, one of our favorite regional publications.  I'm calling it "Love, Dad."  This is my freshest piece. It's near and dear to my heart. I hope you enjoy... Check out the entirety...

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Legacy Matters

Legacy Matters

I’ve always found the beginning of a new calendar year a time of reflection and re-envisioning. Yes, we have to pay the bills, put food on the table and keep a roof overhead, but far too often, what we, as a culture, value or hold in high esteem is meaningless. While...

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Be Audacious blog

Storytelling is the heart of the Be Audacious blog. Each post is a medley of thoughts, observations, training tips and stories.

With so much noise out there telling us how to be, how to train, how to think, how to live, it’s my hope that this blog can help readers redefine what success looks like (a deeply personal thing and matter of perspective), while combating the demons of self-doubt and fear that so often accompany athletic pursuits, creative endeavors, bold adventures and passion projects. 

Contact Me

Let’s connect.

I love hearing from you! Your stories fuel my fire and fan the flames. If you have questions or want to take a deeper dive into anything I’ve covered on my site, I’d love to connect.

Feel free to email me at

or fill out this form and I’ll be in touch.

WNbL, michael

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