

I’ve always loved the word grace. It simultaneously conjures up elements of fluidity and stability. A way of moving and a form of prayer. A symbol of respect and a gesture of generosity. To move with grace signifies finesse and to interact with grace represents an act...
Throw Like A Girl

Throw Like A Girl

I’m really excited to share my freshest “Love, Dad” column from Montana Parent. This piece is near and dear to my heart and it’s a little teaser for my next big project, a girl power/anti-misogyny manifesto. I’m a big believer that we...
Love and Basketball

Love and Basketball

From the time I was a little boy, love and basketball went hand in hand. As an adult, love and wilderness have been my drink of choice, but basketball has remained a passionate presence. Traveling around the country with my Yellowstone sermons and more recently with...
STOP Being “Busy”

STOP Being “Busy”

When did “busy” become the word of the day?  Think about it. When was the last time you asked someone how he or she is doing where “busy” wasn’t part of their response? In a society that values self-sacrifice and hard work over self-examination and personal growth,...
Liquid Gold

Liquid Gold

The Hawaii brain train left the station today. In reality, the power of adventure extends far beyond the experience itself. Saltwater, mountain air, pulsing river molecules, powder snow and grimy dirt, it all gets in our blood, becomes a part of who we are, and...
The Sun Will Shine Again

The Sun Will Shine Again

Sometimes all that life can throw at us feels like it’s just too much. That’s ok. It doesn’t mean we are weak or lacking, it simply means we’ve maxed out our coping skills and need to step back enough to regroup and redirect our energy....