COVID Chronicles: Life on ‘Lockdown’

COVID Chronicles: Life on ‘Lockdown’

How has ‘lockdown’ impacted our day-to-day lives? I imagine this is going to look different for each of us. At our house, with the exception of going to school, evening swim practice, and morning coffee shop writing sessions, things are pretty much business as...
I Found Dry Dirt

I Found Dry Dirt

With the exception of grocery runs, and little spins on the bike around the neighborhood, we haven’t really left the house in weeks (except for scouting missions to my favorite early/and late season dirt roads). Tuesday, we struck gold. Dry dirt. We also saw our first...
Storm Weathering 101: Managing Expectations

Storm Weathering 101: Managing Expectations

Here’s a little excerpt from Be Audacious about the art of managing expectations while weathering the storm, which feels apropos during this time of upheaval and uncertainty. Manage Expectations ‘Don’t put pressure on yourself to always be productive. If you just got...
Keep Pushing Pedals

Keep Pushing Pedals

Climb big and keep pushing pedals (or keep pushing whatever it is that brings you joy). This was my last climb of 2019, an Indian Summer day on the 25th of October here in Southwestern Montana (on the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route). Winter locked in the next...