I’m really excited to share that I’m teaming up with the fine folks at Unwaffle as a brand ambassador. I first connected with Erik—the master chef and Co-founder (his wife is the other half) at a farmers market in Big Sky and immediately loved his ethos and product. He invited me into the Unwaffle HQ here in Bozeman, Montana, before we departed for the Long Bridge Swim and Breck Epic and loaded us up with a plethora of good, healthy food and fuel. 

It can be so hard to find the right food for early morning endurance efforts. We want it simple enough that we can break it down and not have to waste valuable energy digesting, but complex enough that it can help fuel us for the long haul. We’ve always used overnight oats before our big open water swims or endurance efforts on the bike, but this summer we turned to Unwaffle with strong results. Kamiah and I used the Unwaffle waffles to fuel our Long Bridge efforts (we both pr’d big) and Unwaffle’s premade waffles and pancake mix served as the base of my breakfast fuel for the entirety of the Breck Epic. 

I met with Erik and Unwaffle HQ today where he shared with me the NEW and improved product—check out the packaging, it’s so fresh and clean! He made the ambassador pitch today and I was ALL IN from the jump. Gluten free, vegan, homegrown, put together right here in the BZN, with organic ingredients and superfood, what more can a dad or athlete ask for. 

There’s more to this collaboration in the pipeline that I look forward to sharing as things play out. 

To learn more about Unwaffle jump on over to their website https://eatunwaffle.com/. You don’t have to be local, with their new and improved process and packaging, this product is built to last in the fridge and freezer and they ship all over the US and beyond! 

WNbL, mwl